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Rules and Policies

At CanSpanks, we want to encourage a safe and inviting atmosphere for everyone. To help ensure this, we have a set of rules that all of our attendees are required follow. Please note that any violation of the rules below will result in consequences such as but not limited to a formal warning, suspension from the next event, being banned from all future events, and/or immediate ejection from the event. No refunds will be given to persons removed from the event under these circumstances.


All must be at least 19 years old. No exceptions.


All CanSpanks attendees will obey the laws, regulations and By-Laws of Ontario, Canada and the municipality where CanSpanks events are held.


  • Respect all individuals at CanSpanks.

    1. No touching (ex: smacking, hugging, tickling or anything else that makes contact with another person) without their consent first. Ask first.

    2. Be respectful when speaking to others. Be mindful of your words and pronouns.

    3. CanSpanks is a diverse community. Any type of discrimination will not be tolerated. This includes transphobia, homophobia, sexism, misogyny ageism, racism, or any other form of discrimination or intolerance.

  • Use alcohol & marijuana responsibly, and in such a way as to avoid exposing non-consenting adults to intoxicants or unpleasant intoxicated behaviour. Anyone causing a disruption may be asked to leave without a refund, regardless of any substances they may or may not have used.

    1. Illegal drugs are not allowed at CanSpanks.

  • All CanSpanks attendees are required to participate in one of the workshops on Consent, which are offered during the campout. Returning campers must attend a workshop once every year.

  • Respect the property of those around you.

    1. Don’t use toys or eat food that doesn’t belong to you. Ask first.

    2. If you damage someone’s property, you are responsible to make amends.

  • Respect the venue.

    1. Clean up after yourself.

    2. Only designated people are allowed to touch the generator and allowed in the solar power hut. If you have not been officially tasked with power duties for the event, please do not touch these facilities.

    3. If you damage the venue or see damages to the venue, you must immediately alert an organizer. The person who damaged the property is responsible for the repairs.

  • Respect the law.

    1. All attendees at CanSpanks events are expected to follow the laws of Canada and the province of Ontario.


  • CanSpanks is a private event. All information regarding events, scenes, attendee names, or conversations is to be held in strict confidence.

  • Please use discretion when leaving the property and do not bring attention to CanSpanks.


  • Personal Photos:

    1. Do not take pictures, videos, or audio recordings of anyone without receiving consent first. Not sure? Ask!

  • CanSpanks Photographers:

    1. Marked photographers will be taking photos throughout the event.

    2. During registration, you will identify if you wish photos to be taken of you. If your preference changes at any time, please inform the CanSpanks Organizers.

  • If you do not feel comfortable at any time with being recorded you reserve the right to tell someone to stop or delete the content.


  • No outdoor shoes allowed to be worn in the cabins.

  • The common room in the main cabin is open 24 hours a day, however, there are doors between the kitchen and the common room. These will be closed between midnight and 8:00am.

  • Between midnight and 8:00am, you may use the kitchen to grab food, however, you must be quiet while in the kitchen out of respect of those sleeping in the bedrooms.

  • Clean up after yourself, including dish washing.

  • Due to the limited power with the solar power grid, appliances such as hair dryers and hair straighteners are not allowed to be plugged in.


  • The kitchen is open to all except when communal meals are being prepared.

  • During communal meal prep times, please avoid being in the kitchen unless assisting with cooking. There is limited space and those assigned to prepare meals need to be able to do so without crowding. Refer to the schedule and/or an organizer for more details.

  • The fridge is for communal meal food only. All personal food must be stored either indoors or in vehicles. There are bears in the area so please be mindful of food storage and food disposal.

  • If you use the kitchen, please clean up after yourself. Do your dishes quickly.

  • All attendees are expected to help with the preparation and/or the cleaning up of at least one meal. A sign-up will be done close to the event. Please show up on time!


  • Nudity is welcome on the land, except for the cooking and eating areas.

  • Anyone participating in acts of nudity must keep a towel with them to place on any sitting surfaces.


  • Accommodations WILL be made for registered service animals. 

  • Please inform an organizer during registration and/or vetting if you have a registered service animal who will be in attendance with you.


  • Only those staying in campers are allowed to bring a pet.

  • Please inform an organizer during registration and/or vetting if you wish to bring a pet. All pets must be pre-approved by the organizers. You will need to have a call with an organizer to discuss your pet before it may attend CanSpanks.

  • Some attendees may be allergic. Pets must be kept on leashes the entire time and are not permitted inside the buildings or in the pavilions. Please keep pets by your personal campsite and walk them away from public areas. Please clean up after your pet and dispose of waste properly.


  • No smoking indoors or within 9 meters (30 feet) of buildings. Buildings include but are not limited to Fort Fabulous, the Foxes Den and the Glitter Palace.

  • No smoking at any official outdoor activities at camp. This includes the raffle, crafts, workshops, the closing campfire, etc.

  • Please dispose of all cigarette butts so that there is no litter.


  • Cancelations that occur less than four weeks prior to camp will not be eligible for refunds.

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